Friday, October 24, 2008

What the . . . . .!

Man, this is confusing!

I thought I knew the meanings of words such as "anti-American," "terrorist," "liberal," "conservative," and "Marxist."

I thought I knew what racism was. I had a vague notion of what patriotism meant.

Turns out my dictionary is filled with words with incorrect meanings. I hate that.

Of course, I realize that words do change through time. "Silly" once meant "lucky, blessed." And, yes, when I’m crooning the tune, "Am I Blue?"(for those of us who still dig the hits of the thirties), I know meanings have changed when I get to the lines, "Was I gay, until today . . ."

In particular, when the Republicans are warbling their tunes, the words I thought I knew seem to have morphed into new meanings.

I had no idea that liberal and anti-American were synonyms. That wealth was virtue and poverty was indolence . . . government money that goes to corporations is stimulus and money that goes to the middle class is socialism.

It’s not just the words, however. My perception of reality seems to be out of whack too.

The sixth commandment applies to a woman and her doctor, but not to a President who invades a country.

The future is 1950. The millionaires are the stressed middle class. And the victims of hate speech are the Republican candidates who are the targets of racism . . . because they are white!

Damn, I think I stumbled into Klub Da Da!

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